Friday 4 November 2011

What's your story?

And so the Nepal/India/Bhutan trip comes to an end. How do I summarise it? a succession of places? pretty landscapes so different from home?


But as I think about it, I realise there is something that is must more important: stories.

The Bhutanese teacher who wanted to be in the army but accepted his lot as a teacher (because his mother said so); who fell in with an arranged marriage (to a stranger of course); and then, mysteriously got sick for four and a half years. I wonder why?

The Head Lama of the Temple who, with twinkling eyes, declared that Buddha is in us all and that there are many paths to enlightenment, even through other religions.

The New Zealand teacher who, when she didn't like the way schooling was being delivered, had the courage to leave the system and lead the development of an alternative approach.

The Indian heir who took charge of the tea plantation and applied a completely different approach not only to tea production involving to involving the whole community in a co-operative partnership.

The English lady who discovered, only in her 60s, that she had over 50 previously unknown blood relatives in India and decided to travel back to the land of her birth to meet them.

The Australian who has traversed all continents, been through some of the toughest scrapes you could imagine and now pursues his own dream despite all obstacles.

Lilliput Man, Mr Numbskull, Laughing Eyes, the list goes on. The stuff of living.

What's your story?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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