Monday 7 November 2011

More Secret Codes

I listened carefully today and decrypted further codes from the Horn Blowers:

(It helps if you physically press the table or some other solid object in front of you as if blowing the horn yourself to validate the meanings ascribed)

One short, one very long, two short (F) - Oh for Fec*'s sake - would you get out of the way! (driver leaning forward, in fury)

One short, two very long (W) - W*n@!r - I'm not even going to waste my breath telling you to get out of the way! (driver leaning back, with disdain)

One very short, two polite long, one very short (P) - Pooooooleeeeeeaaase! Sir! I am begging you! I have such an urgent appointment - would you pooooleeeeeease get out of the way? Oh, thank you Sir! (this from the new, shining, air-conditioned, smoked glass, imported SUV)

I shall never drive my car again without such a profound appreciation for the hidden psyche of my fellow drivers!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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